Financial Coaching

For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also - Lk 12:34 NKJ

U.S. dollar banknote with map
Manage your money to maximize your opportunities.


Understand your money habits


Improve your financial literacy


Achieve your financial goals

One to One


For the single person or couple 

who desire individual attention and privacy.

Individual Financial Coaching .

A safe place to gain financial perspective.

Schedule a call

One to one coaching can help you build an awareness of your financial blindspots. You will be helped to identify areas of weakness and then work towards improving them.

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TT$ 2520 .00

  • (8) One to one personal sessions on Zoom
  • Get the accountability you need
  • Pay off debts
  • Weekly Calls


TT$ 3360 .00

  • (8) One to one personal sessions on Zoom 
  • Relational conversations
  • Pay off debts
  • Weekly Calls


TT$ 5040 .00

  • (8) One to one personal sessions on Zoom 
  • Learn to manage personal finances
  • Learn to manage business finances
  • Weekly Calls


Any information you share will be treated with utmost confidence.


We're here to listen to your story without criticism and empower you to work towards your financial goals.


We assess and create a plan that is unique to your financial situation.

Simplified Teaching

You never leave a session feeling confused or having unanswered questions.

Group Sessions 

Combining accountability  

Group Sessions

Learn all about money in a supportive group environment

Schedule a call

Hearing the stories of others increase the ability to view your financial situation from a different perspective.  Group sessions allow interactive sharing, discussing and explaining which results in a clearer understanding of your finances. 

Throughout the sessions, a positive and supportive relationship is engendered as you realise that the struggles of your financial situation is shared by others, you are not alone, there is a shared identity. Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much ~ Helen Keller.

Choose an option



5-12 participants

TT$ 672.00

  • 8 weekly sessions
  • Get the accountability you need
  • Become financially educated
  • Learn how to pay off your debts

13-20 participants

TT$ 504 .00

  • 8 weekly sessions
  • Get the accountability you need
  • Become financially educated
  • Learn how to pay off your debts

21-28 participants

TT$ 336 .00

  • 8 weekly sessions
  • Get the accountability you need
  • Become financially educated
  • Learn how to pay off your debt

Increased Awareness

Listen to stories that give diverse perspectives on money.


Be accountable & hold each other accountable.   


Receive support and encouragement to meet financial goals.


Access a pool of knowledge, skills & resources.

Engel Jones, Podcaster

Engel is the Founder and chief visionary. He is always working on another big hairy audacious goal. He loves sharing unique narratives and fostering unlimited networks. 

Amanda Jones, Poet

Amanda is the quiet warrior. Her support of Engel's vision has influenced how she pursues goals. She is an established nurse who made a career change to an entrepreneurial adventure.